The Daily Text & Podcast

The tradition of Daily Texts began in 1722 when Nicolaus Ludwig Count von Zinzendorf provided shelter for religious refugees arriving from Bohemia and Moravia. This community of believers shared morning and evening devotions, consciously placing their lives under the Lord’s watch.

On May 3, 1728, Zinzendorf gave his congregation a watchword to help shape the conversation in the homes. The Moravian Church has continued this practice of having a daily watchword. Now they pick two Bible verses for each day – one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

Mount Carmel adopted The Daily Texts in the 1990’s. We started publishing our own booklet that contained the two Bible verses, as picked each year by the Moravian Church, and we added a daily prayer, some hymns, and some other devotional material.

We use The Daily Texts at Mount Carmel as a devotional tool. We listen to God’s Word for each day. We encourage our people to use The Daily Texts throughout the year.

The Daily Texts is now published by Ground Up Grace, an organization founded by Johan and Sonja Hinderlie, who worked many years at Mount Carmel. The Hinderlie’s also have a daily podcast, where they discuss the texts for the day. Here is a link to the Ground Up Grace website.

Ground Up Grace & The Mount Carmel Ministries Podcast  

Click here to listen to the Daily Text podcast, Ground Up Grace.

Ground Up Grace is a ministry created to help people experience God’s gracious freedom in Christ. Regular podcasts, tours, books and other resources are designed to offer messages from the Bible that ground you in forgivin’ livin’. (Romans 6:14…”Sin will have no power over you, since you are not under the law but under grace!”)

Click here to listen to the Mount Carmel Ministries Podcast. 

This podcast will provide free listening to all who are curious about what we teach at Mount Carmel. From historical episodes recorded in the 1970s to our most recent camps, we share it freely. We live out our mission through biblically-based, Christ-centered programming and hospitality.

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